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郵寄地址 香港九龍新蒲崗五芳街10號新寶中心10樓06-07室

電話查詢/ Whatsapp  91702055/ 91312433

Fax 30203139

Facebook / Instagram hkexat


Our staff will contact you for confirmation of the appointment.Appointment is valid only when agreement of reservation is made between you and our staff.


Administrative Office Hours
Monday- Friday; 9 AM - 6 PM

Hours for Reservation of Therapy Service

Can be flexible for your needs ;
In addition to the administrative office hours, Weekends and Public Holidays are also available for reservation.

(Please contact us for further information)

Please provide the information requested below:


多謝 我們將會盡快聯絡你!Thanks! We will contact you soon!

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