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成人 $100 | 全日制學生 $80 | 殘疾人士/長者 $20



Prices of charity tickets* for each workshop are as follows, except for some workshops with specified prices:


Adult $100 | Full-time Student $80 | Disabled/Elderly $20


*For those who have financial difficulties, please contact our Centre staff directly for enquiry on fee waiver.

   《Groundedness・著地感》 身心靈健康冬日文化節 2024

         香港表達藝術治療服務中心主辦  捷成集團全力贊助








Life is made up of many puzzles, large and small, each of which has its own depth, and the accompanying riddle solving journey is full of unknowns and confusions. Life is a master of surprises. Whenever we think we have things arranged and things are stable, he will throw one turbulence after another to disturb your stability, and make living a light-hearted affair.


Learning to find inner stability is an important lesson for you and me, who are in the midst of chaos.


This winter, the "Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness Winter Cultural Festival" will be themed "Groundedness", connecting the mind, body and spirit through arts and creativity, listening to the inner self and walking with the heart. We believe that arts can lead us to stabilize ourselves in the present moment and build a safe and quiet place that belongs to you in the midst of a world full of chaos and war.





All workshops at the Festival are open to all with charity tickets, and all proceeds will go directly to the Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center for community service, so that low-income families and community members of all backgrounds can benefit from the healing power of the arts. Thank you for your support!



日期:20/1/2024 – 18/2/2024



1.《隨水而安》水繪創作工作坊  “Stay Grounded With Water in Arts” Expressive Arts Workshop


以水作畫,透過筆觸傳達您的情感。讓內心的想法在水寫布上自由繪畫,觀察眼前水的出現和蒸發, 讓不安隨著水的流逝而消失,並在流動的狀態中也能迎來平靜及安穩。 


Create with water, and let your emotions flow freely on the fabric. Observe as the changes unfold before you and communicate your emotions through the brushstrokes. Allow the unwanted emotions to fade away with the water, and welcome calmness and groundedness as you let go.


日期Date: 1/2/2024(四) 

時間Time: 7-9 PM

對象Target:成年人 Adults (12名)

語言Language:粵語 Cantonese

治療師 Therapist: 蘇立怡 Zoe So  (註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師 Registered Arts (Expressive Arts) Therapist)


2. 《靜觀》禪繞畫體驗工作坊 Mindful Zentangle Workshop







Zentangle is an easy art form that is suitable for anyone. Join us for a Mindful experience to let our body and mind back to peacefulness. Focus on the drawing, observe and be kind to yourself.  


日期Date: 2/2/2024 (五)

時間Time: 7-9 PM(2-HOUR)

對象Target:成年人 Adults (18名)

語言Language:粵語 Cantonese

導師 Tutor: 葉雅琴 Emily Ip @雅靜心舍 Ya Mindfulness Studio



3. 《混亂與內在力量故事集》共讀及自我探索工作坊 X 《比比書屋》 “Tales of Chaos and Inner Strength” Reading and Self-Discovery Workshop x Bei Bei Bookhouse


我哋中心自家製作嘅圖文書 - 《混亂與內在力量故事集》已經出版喇!





Our center's self-produced book "Tales of Chaos and Inner Strength" has been published!

A copy of the book will be given away to all participants who are joining the reading and self-discovery workshop.


This workshop is bringing us to Bei Bei Bookhouse, an outdoor setting far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, where participants will be led by a therapist to explore the power of stabilizing oneself through reading this book, linking words, the natural environment, and the inner self, and presenting them in an artistic way. There will also be a sharing session with the storytellers of the book.


主題 Theme:安穩自己的力量 Stabilizing Your Power

日期 Date:3/2/2024  (六)

時間 Time:2:30-4:00 Pm

對象Target:成年人 Adults (10名)

語言Language:粵語 Cantonese

地點 Location:錦田比比書屋 Kam Tin Bei Bei Bookhouse

慈善票價:$150(送 香港表達藝術治療服務中心出版《混亂與內在力量故事集》乙本)

治療師Therapist :李慧莊 Janet Li  (註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師 Registered Arts (Expressive Arts) Therapist)

4.  《音頻透越》身體與聲音共感工作坊 "Sonic Transcension" Music and Body Connection 


工作坊將運用常規和非常規的語言、音樂和動作編排,讓你自藝術當中見證消除意識和潛意識之間障礙的力量。 換句話說,讓你的心靈沉浸在自己美麗心境中翩翩起舞。




Using both conventional and unconventional arrangement of words, music and movement with your participation, you will witness the power of lifting the barrier between consciousness and subconsciousness. In other words, letting your mind dance within the beauty of your own mind scape.


Transcend with us.


日期Date: 3/2/2024 (六)

時間Time: 7-9 PM(2-HOUR)

對象Target:成年人 Adults (15名)

語言Language:粵語 Cantonese

導師 Tutor: Musician Edmund Leung & Drama Artist Anson Chan 陳瑋聰

慈善票價:成人 $200; 全日制學生 $160; 殘疾人士/長者 $40


5. 「創·動」戲劇體驗工作坊


Create and Move" Drama Experience Workshop:
Through theatrical games, connecting body and imagination, unleashing different possibilities.


日期Date: 8/2, 15/2/2024 (四) 

時間Time: 7-9 PM

對象Target:成年人 Adults (15名)

語言Language:粵語 Cantonese

導師 Tutor:

吳淑君 NG Shuk Kwan (「長‧智‧戲」戲劇導師@Arts’ Options) 

莫美嫻 MOK Mei Han  (「長‧智‧戲」戲劇導師@Arts’ Options) 

布韻婷 PO Wan Ting, Rebecca (Somatic Experiencing Practitioner)

慈善票價 ( 共兩節 ):成人 $200; 全日制學生 $160; 殘疾人士/長者 $40


6.《給自己一首屬於自己的搖籃曲》音樂治療工作坊 “Find your own lullaby” Music Therapy Workshop 


今次工作坊由參加者自身透過意象(Imagery)及身體的感官(Felt sense)出發,尋找屬於自己的樂章,創作屬於自己的聲音。


Lullabies are thought to be baby’s music, often deemed as comforting and for the purpose of sleeping.  Yet the essence of beauty is often opposed by adults due to our judgment, we shall look into the possibility of creating our own version of lullaby through imagery and felt sense.


日期 Date:12/2/2024 (一)

時間 Time:3-5pm

對象 Target:成年人Adults (8 名)

語言 Language:粵語及/或英語 Cantonese and/or English

治療師 Therapist:黃愷弘Hugo Wong (註冊音樂治療師 Registered Music Therapist)


<免費體驗工作坊>  **以下工作坊將由各香港大學表達藝術治療碩士課程實習學生設計及帶領 

1.《心靈重心》表達藝術工作坊 (舞動、視覺藝術) Center of the Soul” Expressive Arts Workshop



Do you often feel overwhelmed and seek to find a balance in life?

Through practicing breathing exercises and engaging in simple barefoot movements, participants can experience the flow of energy and the shift of center of gravity, connecting their mind and body. With the use of movement and visual art, we can explore the center of our body and life.

日期Date: 5/2/2024 (一)
時間Time: 7:00-9:00 PM
對象Target:成年人 Adult (8名)
語言Language:廣東話 Cantonese
帶領者Facilitator:Nokman & Tammy   (香港大學表達藝術治療碩士課程實習學生 HKU Master of Expressive Arts Therapy Trainee)



2. 《慢。活》靜觀音樂工作坊 “Slow living” Mindfulness-based Music workshop 



The purpose of this workshop is to take care of yourself, using music and rhythm to enhance awareness of your bodily sensations at a slower pace, under a non-judgmental mindset. It aims to discover more possibilities in the new year.


日期Date:16/2/2024 (五) 

時間Time:7:00 - 8:30 PM  (1.5-HOUR)

對象Target:成年人 Adults (15名)

語言Language:粵語及英語 Cantonese and English

帶領者Facilitator:蔡佩芬 Chua Shirley  (香港大學表達藝術治療碩士課程實習學生 HKU Master of Expressive Arts Therapy Trainee)




1.《在地之舞》身體舞動工作坊 (舞動)

“Dancing On the Grounding Floor” Dance and Movement Workshop 




To start this journey of dance with stillness, and to end it with stillness.  In this journey, we will keep our senses wide open, to be aware of the connection between our body and the supporting ground. We will be thankful for the containment from the ground, and to dance with it as our most faithful dance partner. The workshop will lead us dancing in a nonjudgmental environment, allowing us to reconnect our body with the ground, the emotions and the gravity. Together with the grounding floor, we will create the most beautiful and genuine duo that no others could repeat.


日期Date:20/1/2024 (六)

時間Time:6:00 - 7:30 PM  (1.5-HOUR)

對象Target:成年人 Adults (8名)

語言Language:粵語及/或英語 Cantonese and/or English

治療師Therapist :鄧智珊 Canna Tang (註冊表達藝術治療師 Registered Expressive Arts Therapist)


2. 《接地穩定紮根》瑜伽體驗工作坊 (舞動)

Yoga for Grounding & Centering





In yoga, there are many movements that can help us use our bodies to understand the feeling of being rooted in the earth. With the power of grounding and centering, it gives us the courage to face our own lives and stretch freely toward the unknown.


日期Date:  23/1, 30/1, & 6/2/2024 (二) 

時間Time: 7-8 PM(1-HOUR)

對象Target:成年人 Adults (8名)

語言Language:粵語 Cantonese

導師 Tutor: Emily Ip @雅靜心舍 Ya Mindfulness Studio
慈善票價 ( 共三節 ):成人 $300; 全日制學生 $240; 殘疾人士/長者 $60



3.《一年之計在滋養》創意寫作身心調適工作坊 (文字創作)

"A Year of Nourishment" Creative Writing Body-Mind Adjustment Workshop




The purpose of this workshop is to nourish your body and mind. Drink a cup of scented tea, leave a moment of peace, and write a calligram to express your blessing to yourself. Start 2024 with self-love.


日期Date:26/1/2024 (五)

時間Time:7:00 - 8:30 PM  (1.5-HOUR)

對象Target:成年人 Adults (15名)

語言Language:粵語及英語 Cantonese and English

治療師Therapist :李慧莊 Janet Li  (註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師 Registered Arts (Expressive Arts) Therapist)


4. 大自然視藝 · 尋「根」之旅 (視覺藝術)

Nature based visual art exploration • The “Root” searching journey  






In this workshop, participants will transform into an unique tree, exploring the relationships among the tree and different elements from the nature by using resources from the Mother Earth (e.g. clay, water, sand, wood) and story writing. 


Let’s find out the resilient power under the soil.

日期Date: 27/1/2024(六)

時間Time: 7:00-9:00 PM(2-HOUR)

對象Target:成年人 Adults (12名)

語言Language:粵語 Cantonese

治療師 Therapist: 周文傑 Keith Chow  (註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師 Registered Arts (Expressive Arts) Therapist)


5.《在森林和原野》行山繪畫療癒工作坊 (舞動、視覺藝術)

"In the Woods and Wilderness" Hiking and Drawing Therapeutic Workshop




Let’s walk to the countryside and climb a hill. We shall breathe and draw spontaneously. Let our body and mind relax and heal, as we ground our thoughts and feelings on earth.


日期Date:28/1/2024 (日)

時間Time:10:00 AM- 1:30 PM  

(包括2小時登山 及 1.5小時工作坊 2-hour Hiking & 1.5-hour Workshop)

對象Target:成年人 Adults (15名)

語言Language:粵語及英語 Cantonese and English

治療師Therapist :羅羽庭 Fiona Law  (註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師 Registered Arts (Expressive Arts) Therapist)



More details:

~ 地點 (暫定):圓墩村古屋對出草原(由青龍頭集合出發)

~ 行山徑難度:~2粒星

~ 服裝:以適合行山的鬆身運動衣物較佳

~ 裝備:請自備防曬用品、水及適量乾糧



<免費體驗工作坊>  **以下工作坊將由各香港大學表達藝術治療碩士課程實習學生設計及帶領 


1. 《留一晚與YOU喘息》表達藝術工作坊 (視覺藝術、音樂)

“A night with YOU” - Expressive Arts Therapy Workshop



In this evening, let us set aside all worries, concerns, and stress, and inject warmth and vitality into ourselves through self-care.  

This workshop will guide everyone to firstly be aware of their own pacing of breathing, in a non-judgmental and pressure-free environment, adopting meditation to be aware of self discomfort and through the use of marker pens (visual arts) and music to contain mind and body, and becoming the master of self-care.

日期Date: 29/1/2024
時間Time: 7:00-9:00 (2-Hour)
對象Target:性/別小眾 Sexual Minorities (8名)
語言Language:廣東話 Cantonese
帶領者Facilitator:Tammy & Nokman  (香港大學表達藝術治療碩士課程實習學生 HKU Master of Expressive Arts Therapy Trainee)



2. 《一棵樹的旅程》形體及藝術工作坊 (舞動、視覺藝術)




參加者不需要任何舞蹈經驗,如果有特別身體需要, 可於報名時註明。


This is a journey about Tree. It is also a journey about you and your body.

This workshop will guide participants to discover their bodies through mindful movements, awakening the senses and fostering self-awareness. Participants will engage in the art-making process to express the present feelings.

No prior dance experience is required to participate. If there are any specific physical needs, please indicate them during registration.



時間Time : 7-8:30 PM (1.5-Hour)

對象Target:成年人 Adults(8名)

語言Language:粵語及英語 Cantonese and English

帶領者Facilitator:孫嘉琪 Carol Suen  (香港大學表達藝術治療碩士課程實習學生 HKU Master of Expressive Arts Therapy Trainee)


九龍新蒲崗五芳街10號新寶中心10樓06-07室Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong

67105947 / 91702055

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