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《夏日涼意》- 冰上字畫工作坊"Summer Coolness" - Painting Workshop on Ice

工作坊簡介: 炎夏中讓我們感受不同的溫度,以冰作為畫布,在溶化與變化之中看見內在的自己。工作坊會讓參加者透過冰繪及文字創作表達日常壓力及感受,讓種種重擔在心頭溶化,轉化為屬於自己獨一無二的藝術創作。

治療師: Janet Li 【目標】 打開感官,在瞬間變幻的創作中感受自己。 【日期時間】30/7/2023 (星期日) 15:30-17:00 【地點】香港表達藝術治療服務中心(鑽石山站A2出口) 【對象】成人 (無需藝術創作經驗) 【語言】廣東話 【名額】8人 【報名詳情】


Workshop Introduction: In the hot summer, let us feel different temperatures, and see our inner self in the midst of melting and changing. The workshop will allow participants to express their daily pressures and feelings through ice painting and creative writing, so that all kinds of burdens can be melted in our hearts and transformed into our own unique creations.

Therapist: Janet Li

【Date and time】30/7/2023 Sunday 15:30-1700 【Aim】 Open your senses and feel yourself in the momentary creation. 【Target】 Adult (No art experience is required) 【Language】Cantonese 【Quota】8

*People with financial difficulties may contact us for arranging support accordingly


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