混亂與內在力量‧繪本創作者招募 Chaos and Inner Power – Recruitment of Picture Book’s Creators

繪本都是給小孩子看嗎? 本年度香港表達藝術治療服務中心將推出一本以成人為對象的故事繪本,以圖畫及故事溫柔地接觸我們的內心。
創作小組日期:15/2, 17/2, 22/2, 1/3, 3/3 & 8/3
帶領治療師:李慧莊 Janet Li (表達藝術治療師)
Who says picture books are only for children? This year, the Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center is going to create a picture book targeting grown-ups. From pictures to stories, may the book gently soothe our long-thought fully grown-up hearts.
We are now inviting the public to join our process of picture book creation. During the six creating sessions, together with our expressive arts therapist, we will explore the chaotic and confusing moments, the puzzling self, and also the inner power found within chaos. Through pictures, words and stories, we express and sort out our experiences and emotions.
The creations of all participants will be printed and published to share with the general public.
We are looking forward to reading your stories.
Date: 15/2, 17/2, 22/2, 1/3, 3/3 & 8/3
Time: 19:00-21:00
Target: Adults
Leading therapist: Janet Li (Expressive Arts Therapist)
*Priority will be given to participants who can attend all sessions.
Deadline for application: 8/2/2023
Link for application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScDEFe6VXbYpTL9YjRGDrh9mjFdWvvarlWd5bc-WZvfc8fJ9w/viewform?usp=sf_link