Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
慈善機構 Charitable Institution (No: 91/ 16916)
本機構之表達藝術治療師均完成香港大學表達藝術治療碩士課程,並為獲得澳洲、紐西蘭及亞洲創意藝術治療協會(ANZACATA) 註冊制度認可之註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師。表達藝術治療師們致力為大眾提供合適的表達藝術治療服務,以提升大眾的身、心、靈健康為己任,並推動本地之表達藝術治療發展。
All of our therapists have completed the Master program of Expressive Arts Therapy at the University of Hong Kong, and have recognized as Registered Arts Therapist by the Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA). We aim to provide professional and suitable psychotherapy services to the public, to facilitate public health in body- mind-spirit, and to promote Expressive Arts Therapy locally.

中心創辦人 Center Founder
註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師 (ANZACATA) Registered Arts Therapist
表達藝術治療師 Expressive Arts Therapist
應用行為分析治療導師 Applied Behavior Analysis Teacher (ABA)
視藝老師(特殊學習需要學童) Visual Arts Tutor (SEN Students)
國際表達藝術治療協會董事會成員 Board Member (International Expressive Arts Therapy Association)
香港表達藝術治療協會委員 Committee Member (Expressive Arts Therapy Association of Hong Kong)
香港大學表達藝術治療碩士 (優異)
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy [Distinction] (University of Hong Kong)
美國加州大學(爾灣) 心理學與社會行為學士
Bachelor Degree, Psychology and Social Behavior (University of California, Irvine, USA)
Keith has worked with individuals with special needs (e.g. ASD) and children since 2010. He has provided individual/ group sessions and workshops of Expressive Arts Therapy, Behavioral Therapy (ABA), or integrated both approaches interventions to individuals with SEN at various settings, such as international schools, local schools, and sheltered workshop etc. In addition, Keith has also provided Expressive Arts Therapy services to a wide variety of service users with different needs, such as individuals with mental illness, adolescents with emotion and drug issue, grieving individuals, elderly with dementia etc.

中心創辦人 Center Founder
註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師 (ANZACATA) Registered Arts Therapist
表達藝術治療師 Expressive Arts Therapist
註冊社會工作者 Registered Social Worker
香港大學表達藝術治療碩士 (優異)
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy [Distinction] (University of Hong Kong)
Bachelor of Social Work of the University of Hong Kong
Janet has worked as a social worker in the elderly service field since 2011. She has counselling experiences working with elders, caregivers and chronically ill patients. She has professional training on dementia care, bereavement counselling and rehabilitated offenders counselling. The Department of Medicine and Therapeutics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Jockey Club Center for Positive Ageing awarded the Certificate in Dementia Care to certify her knowledge in dementia care.
Janet has provided expressive arts therapy case services, group services and workshops for different client groups, including childern and teenages with special education needs, mentally ill patient and ex-patient, elders with emotional disturbances, mild cognitive impairment and dementia...etc. Janet also valued the integration of arts with community work to enhance the connections between people.

中心創辦人 Center Founder
註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師 (ANZACATA) Registered Arts Therapist
表達藝術治療師 Expressive Arts Therapist
Vice President of HKU Master of Expressive Arts Therapy Alumni Association
香港大學表達藝術治療碩士 (優異)
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy [Distinction] (University of Hong Kong)
香港中文大學社會科學(榮譽)學士 (主修心理學)
Hon BSc (Psychology) (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
鄧氏主要為精神及情緒病患者、特殊學習需要兒童、具情緒及壓力問題困擾之青少年、認知障礙症長者、新來港學童、智障人士及長期病患者等有需要之使用者提供個別治療及/或小組治療的服務。鄧氏擅長以戲劇、舞動等的藝術媒界進行介入,並曾擔任香港話劇團、香港戲劇教育工作室、香港善導會等機構及各區中小學的戲劇及/或編舞導師。鄧氏另曾於2013及2014連續兩年擔任香港教育學院及城巴、新巴舉辦社區戲劇藝術活動《Arts Bus: On the Move!》的專業顧問。
Canna has been working in the field of performing arts as actor, choreographer, playwright and director for many years before started her work in expressive arts therapy. Hence, Canna dedicated to adopt variety of art modalities to the intervention of education and psychotherapy, she provided expressive arts therapy services for a wide range of users, such as children with special education needs, youth with emotional disturbances and stress problems, people with intellectual disability, elderly with dementia, new immigrant children, people with mood disorders and patients with chronic disease etc. The form of service including both therapy group and individual case.
On the same time, Canna devoted herself to serve different NGOs and service users in the role of drama tutor and choreographer, her cooperation parties included but not limited to Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Prime Productions, HKYWCA, The Education University of Hong Kong
and several Primary/ Secondary schools as well.
Ms. ZOE SO, L.Y.

中心創辦人 Center Founder
註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師 (ANZACATA) Registered Arts Therapist
表達藝術治療師 Expressive Arts Therapist
External Affairs Coordinator of HKU
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy Alumni Association
International Expressive Arts Therapy Association HKU New Professional Representative
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy (University of Hong Kong)
香港理工大學設計學(榮譽)文學士 (主修視覺傳達)
Bachelor of Art in Design - Visual Communication (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Zoe has been working in various non-profit making organisations, secondary and primary schools. She provides therapy services including individual sessions, groups and workshops. She provides Expressive Arts Therapy services for a wide range of users, such as children with special educational needs, anxiety, trauma, social problems ; teenagers with stress & emotional problems ; adults with depressions, down syndrome, ex-mentally ill. She also works on enhancing family relationships, teacher-student relationship and promotes self-care for carers.
Zoe dedicates to carry out expressive arts therapy related academic research and studies, simultaneously, she also actively adopts variety of arts into the intervention of psychotherapy, education, community culture and life.