Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
慈善機構 Charitable Institution (No: 91/ 16916)

FLOW with Summer Expressive Arts Festival
香港表達藝術治療服務中心主辦 . 捷成集團全力贊助
《浮遊.夏日表達藝術祭》將於2022年6 月12至29日進行,包括兩個重點項目:《當下》表達藝術年度作品展 及《足下》社區表達藝術足印計劃。《當下》表達藝術年度作品展的參展者均為公眾人士,透過藝術表達當下的身心狀態。現場更有創作區讓觀賞者即時創作當下感受。《足下》社區表達藝術足印計劃以「變遷」為題,帶領參加者將遊歷的眼光重置於我城,參與一場從創意出發的City Hunt歷險之旅!
日期:12/6/2022 - 29/6/2022
查詢:67105947(電話 / WhatsApp)
IG/ Facebook: HKEXAT

《足下》社區表達藝術足印計劃是本中心的先導實驗計劃,冀藉著在不同社區環境中推動自主多元藝術創作,以探索社區空間、藝術創作、人文景觀及個人情感表達之間的潛在連結。參加者將跟隨本中心治療師團隊製作的《足下》社區探索地圖遊歷社區,今夏的計劃第一站將帶領大家探索本中心所在的新蒲崗、啟德及九龍城區,帶領大家在我城展開一場從創意出發的City Hunt!
“Expressive Arts Begin With Steps Beneath Your Feet”
Perhaps before you notice, the world has already changed.
This summer, let us wander our city with the eyes of a traveller under the theme of “Changes”.
Let us explore the lovely neighboring communities through different art mediums, and process the many feelings and thoughts the last few years brought. We are not alone in these times of change.
\\計劃贊助 Sponsored by
捷成集團 The Jebsen Group
- 地點:新蒲崗, 九龍城 & 啟德區 (詳情請參考在報名後收到的電子版社區地圖及導引指南)
- 計劃日期:17/10/2022 - 30/11/2022 (第三階段禮品換領期)
- 形式:以自選時間及組合進行藝術版City Hunt (分為獨樂樂版 / 親子樂版 / 同伴同行版)
- 報名連結:https://forms.gle/8tmH3sGXQyTeuXwk9
- 費用:全免
- 對象:適合任何對表達藝術治療及社區探索旅程有興趣的公眾*參與
在終點站完成活動問卷# ,就可即場換取豐富的身心靈禮品^了!
#第三階段禮品換領期至30/11止,換領方式為 :
A) 上來中心親身換領
- 時間為周一至周五下午二時半至六時,如須於星期六、日或公眾假期到訪中心換領禮品,則須預早兩個工作天WhatsApp 67105947與本中心職員預約。
B) 由本中心安排寄送禮品 (運費需由閣下支付)
- 閣下可將在各個Checkpoint的照片分享給我們,請列出 Checkpoint的總數連同活動感想電郵至info@hkexat.org,我們查看後會聯絡閣下安排寄出禮品。
5分 細獎:EASY卡 * 一盒
10分 中獎:EASY卡一盒及藝術禮品一份
15分 大獎:EASY卡一盒、藝術禮品一份及神祕完旅紀念品一份
20分 JACKPOT:EASY卡一盒、藝術禮品一份、神祕完旅紀念品一份及HKEXAT來季自我關顧工作坊免費換領卷一張
>> 了解更多 EASY卡 (表達藝術自助探索卡) <<
\\Program Details
- Target:General Public
- Location: San Po Kong, Kowloon City & Kai Tak District
(Please refer to the E-version Community Map and Facilitation Guide after application)
- Date:17/10/2022 - 30/11/2022 (3rd Prize Redemption Period)
- Format:“Art City Hunt” with own chosen time slot and format (includes individual / family / group version)
- Fee: Free of Charge
- Registration Link :https://forms.gle/8tmH3sGXQyTeuXwk9
Game rules: Please refer to the E-version Facilitation Guide for more details
1. Inspect all Checkpoints on the “STEPS” Community
Exploration Map, choose the spots you would like to visit, and design your own route. (If needed, youcan refer to the therapist walking route on the back of the map.)
2. Plan a date with your travelling buddies(s) - if you aren’t travelling solo - and wait for the day of the journey with a relaxed heart.
3. Before embarking, please read the “Expressive Art Therapy” Daily Creative Attitude on the next page and the friendly reminders on the map, to prepare and care for yourself and your heart’s needs.
4. Let’s go! During the journey, you can reference the “STEPS” Community Exploration Map to head to different Checkpoints. Refer to the “STEPS” Community Expressive Art Guidebook* at each Checkpoint to engage in expressive art creation and explore the links between you and the community.
5. Before leaving each Checkpoint, remember to take a photo so you can use it as proof of visit to claim your prize at the final Checkpoint!
6. Upon the end of your journey, bring your discoveries and feelings to the Final Checkpoint to share with our therapist at the center, so we can celebrate the feat of completing this adventure together!
7. Complete a survey for this program at the final stop, and you can receive a mental health prize^ on site!
#The Phase 3 Prize Redemption period ends on 30 November 2022. You can claim your prize by thefollowing ways:
A) By person
- You may come to HKEXAT Center on workdays from Monday to Friday 2:30-6pm. Should you need to exchange a gift on a weekend or public holiday, please contact our center via Whatsapp (67105947) to make an appointment.
B) By Delivery (delivery fee paid by participants)
- We can help to arrange the gifts by delivery. Please share the photos you have taken at the Checkpoints, including the total number of Checkpoints you have visited and send your feedback to info@hkexat.org.
*The creative guidelines in this booklet are just for reference, and there is no need to feel pressured from these suggestions. Art is a very personal thing, and there is no right or wrong in art. You are welcome to use an artistic method you feel most safe and comfortable with to explore the community - it won’t affect your points and prizes! ;)
^ There are a total of 25 Checkpoints.
Below is a list of prizes for the respective number of points:
5 points (Small Prize): a set of EASY cards
10 points (Medium Prize): a set of EASY cards and an art gift
15 points (Large Prize): a set of EASY cards, an art gift, and a mysterious end of journey memorabilia
20 points (JACKPOT): a set of EASY cards, an art gift, a mysterious end of journey memorabilia, and a Self
Care Workshop Gift Certificate for a workshop with HKEXAT this coming season.
If you have any enquiries, please contact us via email (info@hkexat.org) /Inbox / 6710 5947. Thank you!
>> More about EASY Cards <<

《當下》表達藝術年度作品展 以「當下」為題,鼓勵社會大眾留意及感受自己當下的身心狀態、情緒,並透過藝術的方式將感受表達出來。展覽讓觀賞者與創作者互動,以自己的當下與對方的當下連結。
展覽日期:12/6 - 29/6/2022
(12/6-15/6 預展期*,16/6-29/6 公眾開放期)
開放時間:13:00 - 19:00
地點:本中心新會址 (九龍新蒲崗五芳街10號新寶中心10樓06-07室)
捷成集團 The Jebsen Group
傅珮嘉 Maggie Fu
李祥坤 Jacky Lee
《當下》表達藝術年度作品展 的參展者為HKEXAT治療師及職員、服務使用者及公眾人士。
是次展覽更有幸邀請到 藝術家 傅珮嘉Maggie Fu 展出全新作品。歡迎大家以藝術和一眾參展者互動!
王王 .卡文 . 喵喵 . 桉羽 . 葉若 趙雪零 .《向死而生》表達藝術治療導向劇場觀眾 .@placetohealhk和諧粉彩X情緒病患者讀白
@fleedom.of.mind . Akal . Beatrix Wong . Bell . Best Moments . Canna Tang . Cat Leung . Chow Man Kit
Dear TT . Elvis Erica Sit . Esther Grace Yung . Felix hope . Fiona Law . Fujima Hung . Jan . Jane Ho
Jo . Joseph Ho . Kei Wai . Lau Pak Yin . Law Siu Yau . Mine Space . Mor Blessings . Mr. W . Oli . Rainbow Rono Cheung . Sarah . Sora . Stephanie Choi . Tommy . Wing Mak . Zoel
九龍新蒲崗五芳 街10號新寶中心10樓06-07室Rooms No. 6 & 7, 10/F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
67105947 / 91702055
©2023香港表達藝術治療服務中心版權所有, 保留一切權利。
Copyright©2023 Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center. All rights reserved.