Migrant Domestic Workers Expressive Arts Therapy Free Individual Case/ Group Service
* This Project is sponsored by The Jebsen Group 捷成集團全力支持
Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center (HKEXAT)’s vision is to create a world where everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic status, ethnic or any form of disabilities, has equal opportunities to be benefited from expressive arts therapy.
Migrant domestic workers often suffered from stress and emotional distress because of various reasons. With the full support from the Jebsen Group, HKEXAT is now providing free 1:1 individual case / group expressive arts therapy service to the migrant domestic workers community. The objective of this program is to provide a safe space for migrant domestic workers, increase their emotional awareness and to reduce stress through expressive arts. 香港表達藝術治療服務中心一直致力積極提供多元化的表達藝術治療服務,讓更多社會人士受惠。 我們相信不論貧富、階級、種族、主流或小眾,所有人皆有獲得表達藝術治療服務的公平權利。
Target: Migrant domestic workers with stress and/or emotional needs
Location: HKEXAT or Referral Organisation
Date: To be arranged individually
Duration: 1 hour per session (Max. 4 sessions)
Service: Individual Therapy Service/ Group Therapy Service (Self-formed 4-ppl group)
Fee: Free of Charge
Therapist: Expressive Arts Therapist of HKEXAT or Trainee from HKU Master of Expressive Arts Therapy Program
Application link : https://forms.gle/ZZ8qGQKvix1C9MB16 《服務詳情》 對象:受壓力及/或情緒困擾的 #外籍傭工 地點:本中心 或 轉介機構會址 日期:個別約見日期時間 時間:每節60分鐘(共4節) 形式:個別表達藝術治療服務(一對一面見) 或 小組表達藝術治療服務(自組4人小組) 費用:全免 治療師:本中心安排之表達藝術治療師 或 香港大學表達藝術治療碩士實習生 報名連結:https://forms.gle/ZZ8qGQKvix1C9MB16
機構查詢或轉介請直接以電話或 WhatsApp (67105947) 與本中心職員聯絡。
電郵 Email: info@hkexat.org
Notes: - All content revealed in the therapy session will be kept confidential. - HKEXAT reserves all rights and the final decision in this event. - Applicants are required to fill in questionnaire for the purpose of HKEXAT conducting Expressive Arts Therapy relevant academic research in the first and the last therapy session.
*In the event of inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail for all purposes. HKEXAT reserves the final decision in this event.
- 個別約見內容將絕對保密。
- 本中心在安排上保留最後決定權。